Through the use of color, symbols, and decorations, the Art and Environment Committee decorates and maintains the liturgical space in an effort to assist the faith community in experiencing the themes of liturgy throughout the Liturgical Year.
Altar servers assist the priest and deacon in the celebration of the liturgy and are trained in the stewardship of service. Young people in grades four through college who have a call to serve the Lord and their community during the liturgy are invited to serve.
Contact: Deacon Mike Rivault ([email protected])
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament recognizes the worship due Christ, in His true presence which endures in the Eucharist.
Exposition and Adoration is held on first Fridays of each month. Exposition and Adoration begins at 9:30 a.m., continues throughout the day, ending with Benediction at 4:30 p.m. All are welcomed and encouraged to adore.
More information about Eucharistic Adoration is available HERE.
Contact: Anne LaRose ([email protected])
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers serve the community by assisting priests and deacons in the distribution of the Eucharist at Mass. Eucharistic ministers may volunteer to assist in distribution of communion to the sick and homebound as well.
Eucharist Ministers must be at least 18 years of age, Confirmed, and active and participating members in good standing in the community, who desire to serve the Lord by assisting in the distribution of Communion. Interested parties may apply through the MHT church office. Special training and certification is provided by the Office of Worship of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.
Contact: Celeste Ragas ([email protected])
The Homebound Ministry strives to minister to those parishioners who are temporarily or permanently confined to their homes due to age, illness, or disability by bringing the Eucharist and assisting with other needs where possible.
The Hospital Ministry visits those who are hospitalized, in an effort to provide support and to offer the Eucharist.
Homebound Contact: Paula Henderson (985-705-2672)
Hospital Contact: Pam Ecuyer (985-809-0198)
Lectors give glory and praise to God by proclaiming Sacred Scripture and leading the assembly in communal prayer at mass and other liturgical services. Lectors must be at least 16 years of age, Confirmed, and active and participating members in good standing in the community, who desire to serve the Lord by proclaiming His Word.
Contact: Geralyn Suhor (985 - 727-0409) ([email protected])
The Liturgy Director serves as the liaison between the Pastoral Council and the ministries involved in the planning and implementation of community worship. These ministries are dedicated to the primary purpose of giving worship and praise to God Almighty.
Contact: MHT Office ([email protected])
The Music Ministry brings together those with a love and talent for music to lead and support the congregation in sung prayer, enhancing the sacredness and beauty of parish liturgies. This includes:
Contact: Betty-Ann Hickey (504-352-5304) ([email protected])
Ushers serve the faith community by welcoming and assisting members and visitors to the celebration of the Mass and other special liturgies. Men and women 18 years of age or older, who are Confirmed, and active and participating members in good standing in the community, are invited to join this ministry.
Contact: Charlie McLoughlin, ([email protected]) (504-909-7209)
While his entire life was one of self-giving to us and to his Father, Christ most simply and directly modeled the call to service by washing the feet of his Apostles at the Last Supper. Likewise, we are called to serve one another.
We invite you to answer this call by serving in any of our ministries or apostolates. In addition, if you have a need that one of our ministries or apostolates could meet, we invite you to contact us.
Contact information for all ministry and apostolate leaders can be found on page 4 of our bulletin, here .